Saturday, May 1, 2010

medicines for our life :-))

(question from reading book) 5. Some people think that people today take too many medicines. They believe that some of these medicines hurt our bodies instead of helping them. Do you agree? What kinds of medicines do you think are necessary? Are there others that you think are not necessary?

From this question I agree with the medicine hurt our bodies instead of helping them because everything have two effects one of bad effect and one of good effect , also medicine too. For example the diet pills can be help the guy who want to lose the weight but It have a lot of negative effects too. According to the news that I used to hear, the diet pill is quite good but it may attack your brain at the same time, so don’t injure yourself by eating diet pills. If you want to lose your weight you should be create your own method that have not to use the diet pills to lose your weight because it’s beneficial for yourself and won’t injure yourself too. For me all kinds of medicines are necessary because they can protect and help the human from the disease. Kinds of medicines that I think aren’t necessary is consist of the diet pill, the narcotic medicine and also the sleeping pill because it’s not only beneficial for yourself but also injure yourself too. Therefore, It’s not necessary for yourself and it can be kill you. I think the right method before you get the medicine you should go to see the doctor for getting the advice. It is the best way to safe your life.

1 comment:

  1. Good advice Peach. However, try to be a little more accurate with your language. "Guys" is a bit too informal.

    Interesting information about diet pills. Can you give me any specific examples?
