Friday, May 14, 2010

narcissistic person and successful person

5. Can a narcissistic person also be a successful person? What qualities do narcissistic people have that might help them be successful? What qualities might inhibit their success?

For me, everyone can be a successful person but it depends on many things, so narcissistic person can be a successful too but they have to change something in their mind. For example, the narcissistic person have to reduce the habit of narcissistic because if you have the habit of narcissistic too much you are only believe in your self and you will not know how to be a successful person from the another person that is a beneficial for you. The qualities do narcissistic people have that might help them be successful is listen the advice from the another person and dare to change your mind because it’s totally beneficial for you. If you got in a problem you will not know how to fix it. The narcissist isn’t only beneficial for you but also hurt you too. Listening for someone that have more experience really help you. For example, If you can not do the math homework and you are narcissistic person, so you are always think you are good in everything but in the fact, you are not good in it, so what are you going to do choose to ask who is really good in math or don’t sent home work to your teacher. I know all of you must be choose answer one because I told you that it’s beneficial for you. And qualities might inhibit their success is narcissistic. I known that believe in your self is a good thing but sometimes, we have to change and can be accept the another’s opinion for developing our business, life , education for be a successful person. It’s really important thing to bring you to the way to successful person because if you still be a narcissistic person, so you are also believe in your self too much and can’t be accept anything by the another. The successful person consists of many quality that’s you have to work hard to be it. I know it’s a bit hard but if you be a successful person, so you will proud about your self for sure !!!!


  1. I do not agree that narcissistic person can be successful

  2. That's really good! A very well thought out answer.
