Sunday, May 2, 2010

talk on the phone is my favorite thing !!!!!!!

Who do you talk on the phone? Name three people. When do you talk to them?
What kind of things do you usually talk about?

Talking on the phone is my favorite thing that I always do in my free time. 3 guys that I always talk to are my mother, my sister and Qung. For my mom I always call to her everyday morning and we are talking about general things and if I have got a problem I will tell everything to her. She is the super mom for me. For my elder sister, she always calls me in every time that she has got a free time because she is study in England. She does not have a lot of time to call me. She spends almost of her time with her education, so the kind of thing that we usually talk about is the technology because she is interesting in technology and she always tell me if she has know about the brand new technology. If it’s out standing she may but it as fast as she can. After she already buy it, she will call me for describe about her new stuff. And I always listen to her and give a comment on it. The last guy that I always talk to him is gung. He is my best friend, so we talk simultaneously about everything in our life. For example, If we have got a home work, have a question and also need a comment on something we will call and talk together about it almost things that I always talk to him is sport math because he is a profession of sport, so I really need his advice at all. We always talk on the phone in after class because It is not only my free time but it is Gung free time too. He is a admirable friend for me. Anyway, I used to hear talk on the phone is a one of activity that can be anti stress. So, for me I think talk on the phone it’s good way for relax after your work or doing something that make you stress. Try to do it I think it may benefit you guy for sure.

1 comment:

  1. Nice, Peach. Can you please put this story into your project? I like your use of the photo of George Bush ... that was quite ironic. Why don't you invite your sister to add some comments to your blog? That would be really nice.
